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"Schlossbrunnen" mineral springs


Take a stroll through the pump room and enjoy a glass of our healing water while looking out over the beautiful Baumpark – a restful break from life's hustle and bustle. During the summer months, you can attend concerts in the pump room courtyard which are held every Sunday. Dates are listed in the Event Calendar.

Both the pump room and the Welcome Hotel offer visitors a water-drinking regimen with Bad Arolsen mineral water. The Schlossbrunnen mineral water is a fluoride-containing calcium magnesium sulphate water.

Value-defining content

Calcium-Ion 210 mg/l
Magnesium-Ion 87 mg/l
Sulphate-Ion 952 mg/l
Fluoride-Ion 1,7 mg/l


A Schlossbrunnen mineral water drinking regimen can trigger long-lasting positive adaptation processes in the body and thus contribute to restoring a general feeling of well-being. The water-drinking regimen may be recommended for the following ailments:

Gastric ailments

The mineral water has a regulating effect on the gastric juices, an anti-inflammatory effect for stomach complaints such as inflammation of the stomach lining, and alleviates heartburn.

Intestinal ailments

Schlossbrunnen has a mild stimulatory effect on the intestinal function and is therefore helpful for relieving minor constipation. In addition, the mineral water can help ease inflammations.

Gallbladder and liver ailments

The mineral water stimulates the function of the liver cells which promotes pancreatic function as well as bile production. The mineral water eliminates liver and gallbladder problems and actively affects the digestive process. This way it helps alleviate bloating.

Opening times of the pump room

Eastern to april
May to october
Monday 14.00 - 16.00 h
Tuesday 14.00 - 16.00 h
Wednesday 14.00 - 16.00 h
Thursday 14.00 - 16.00 h
Friday 14.00 - 16.00 h
Saturday closed
Sunday 14.00 - 16.00 h

The pump room is currently closed until further notice. In the Welcome Hotel you still have access to the medicinal water.

Monday 14.00 - 16.00 h
Tueday 14.00 - 16.00 h
Wednesday 14.00 - 16.00 h
Thursday 14.00 - 16.00 h
Friday 14.00 - 16.00 h
Saturday 14.00 - 16.00 h
Sunday 14.00 - 16.00 h

The pump room is currently closed until further notice. In the Welcome Hotel you still have access to the medicinal water.

Mineral water distribution points

Trink- und Wandelhalle

Prof.-Klapp-Straße 14
34454 Bad Arolsen

Welcome Hotel Bad Arolsen

Königin-Emma-Straße 10
34454 Bad Arolsen
+49 5691808-0

Bad Arolsen - Natürlich!


Stadt Bad Arolsen
- Der Magistrat -
Große Allee 24
34454 Bad Arolsen


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